The following paper is intended to detail some of the key events and activities in Thomas Uvedale’s life. While Granville Leveson Gower[i] dedicated approximately three pages to Thomas in his “notices”, written in 1865, more information is now available and a paper such as this has not been written before about Thomas.
The Udall family were Norman[ii] in origin and the family were retainers[iii] of Richard de Lucy, the De Clare’s and the House of Gloucester since at least the middle of the 12th century. For most of that time the family were living in Tacolneston, Norfolk where they had a manor house.
Thomas was born about 1305, the son of Sir John De Uvedale and Joan de Tany, his third wife. Sir John Uvedale was a household knight and banneret[iv] of Edward I, and a knight of the bath[v]. He participated in most of the battles in Scotland from at least 1298 through 1314. Thomas’s parents were married in 1303[vi] when John’s second wife Joan de Caunvill died[vii] sometime before April 1303. Thomas was likely born at the Tychesey, Surrey estate in which his father had purchased an interest[viii] in 1304. The original Pilgrims Way passes through the estate just about 100 meters in front of the manor house on its way from Winchester to Canterbury.

Tychesey (Titsey) Estate, Surrey
Thomas’s elder brother Peter was created a Peer[ix] and Baron in 1332 and in 1333 he was King’s Justiciar of England. Both Peter and his father had been involved in support of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, in his dispute with his cousin King Edward II. John de Uvedale died in the north in that dispute a few days before the battle of Boroughbridge in 1322. Peter died[x] in Scotland shortly before 2nd of May 1336 leaving no offspring. Thus, the leadership of the family passed to his younger brother John Uvedale.
On 14 July 1336, just two months after his brother died in Scotland, letters of Attorney[xi] were issued for Thomas Uvedale and he was “with the king in Scotland”. Robert atte Hawe and Roger de Herdewyk are both recorded as with Thomas. This army ended the siege at Lochindorb and from there proceeded to retake Perth, Carrick and Clyde. French ships attacked Suffolk and King Edward III returned to England in the fall. With the king gone the Scots quickly took control of most of northern Scotland.
In 1337 Phillip King of France declared that King Edward III had forfeited Aquitaine thus initiating the so called 100-year war.
In 1340 John Uvedale, second son of Sir John de Uvedale, released[xii] to Isabel, the widow of his father, all his right in all the lands, tenements, advowsons etc., which she held for her life in Titsey, Bednestede, Camberwell, Peckham and Dulwich. John must have died not long after this without any offspring, since Thomas his younger brother would seem to have assumed leadership of the family.
Thomas Uvedale had four wives[xiii] Mary, Isabel, Margaret Rees and Benedict de Shelving. In 1341 Thomas Uvedale married Margaret Rees, probably from Long Stratton in Norfolk. There is disagreement about whether Margaret was married to Sir Thomas Uvedale[xiv] of the 14th century, or his great-grandson Thomas[xv] from the 15th century. The former is probably the case based on the will of William Rees, sometime sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, who in 1410 left £20 to “his kinsman” William Uvedale.
In 1341 William D’Abernon and Elizabeth de Uvedale, an aunt of Thomas, had a daughter they named Elizabeth. In 1342 Thomas de Uvedale had the custody of a messuage, twenty acres of land and two acres of wood in Rodecarleton granted to him. These properties[xvi] had previously belonged to Robert de Crechenham.
On 28 April 1342, at Westminster, Thomas Fournyval nominated[xvii] Walter de Burgh and William Uvedale (Dovedale) as his attorneys in Ireland for two years. Edmund de Gryinesby received the attorneys. Thomas’s father and William, were either cousins, both from the Tacolneston area in Norfolk, or William was a younger brother of John. From this record it may well be that William Uvedale had moved to Ireland. Sometime between 1342 and 1348 Hugh de Uvedale (Dowdale), an uncle of Thomas[xviii], was one of seven knights who joined[xix] the Carmelites at Norwich.
Thomas Uvedale was in Gascony in 1345 as evidenced by an order[xx] to William Scot and his fellow justices of Assize in the County of Surrey to stay proceedings in a case of novel disseisin. This case, brought by Edmund de Coventry, concerned tenements in Tycheseheye, Chelesham, Lyngefeld and Crowherst. Edmund de Coventry was a son of Stephen de Coventry and Isabella, Sir John Uvedale’s last wife. This case had been running on and off since it was brought before the Mayor of London in 1317. The case was stayed because Thomas de Ovedale “was in the king’s service in Gascony in the company of Walter de Mauny”. As you will see Thomas and Walter de Mauny had a close relationship over a number of years.
In 1346 King Phillip of France sent his son John, Duke of Normandy, to attack King Edward’s territories of Gascony and Quenne. Sir Walter de Mauny was one of the leading knights of the day. He had accompanied Phillipa of Hainault when she came to England in 1326 to wed King Edward III. On various occasions, he demonstrated fearlessness in combat. In 1346 Sir Walter Mauny and Thomas Uvedale[xxi] were with the Earl of Pembroke at the siege of the Fortress of Aiquillon in Gascony. Along with them were approximately 300 other knights and squires and 600 archers defending the castle. This in itself was a tremendous battle, with the Duke of Normandy, and an army, reported to be 100,000 strong[xxii], laying siege to the fortress from April 1346 until after the battle of Crecy in August 1346. Although the French attacked almost every day the Gascon and English forces managed to hold them off.
Rather than going to Gascony to relieve the siege at Aiquillon on 12 July 1346 Edward III landed in Normandy on his famous trip to the battle of Crecy, where he defeated a much larger French army under King Phillip.
King Phillip sent a messenger to his son, John Duke of Normandy, at Aiguillon in Gascony, advising him of the defeat at Crecy and asking him to return to Paris to defend France. John Duke of Normandy immediately broke camp and headed for Paris. In that interval Sir Walter Mauny captured a number of stragglers, including a knight who was on Duke John’s council. Rather than asking for a ransom, Sir Walter asked that knight to obtain a safe conduct sealed by Duke John of Normandy. The knight left Aiguillon caught up to the Duke in France and obtained the requested safe passage. He returned and provided the safe passage to Sir Walter Mauny who stuck out to join King Edward III at Calais, along with twenty knights including Sir Thomas Uvedale. They were captured by French forces and retained in Orleans, and then moved to the Louvre prison. Duke John was outraged and argued with King Phillip that Mauny and his companions should be released. After some time of confinement King Phillip finally released the men and they went to Calais to join the siege of that city currently in progress. Sir Thomas de Uvedalestayed[xxiii] with Sir Walter de Mauny until he returned to England. After a year the English captured Calais in August of 1347, which they held for several hundred years.
Thomas de Uvedale’s wife Margaret Rees must have died by 1347 since Thomas married Benedicta de Shelving in 1347. Benedicta was the daughter and heir of John de Shelving of Shelvingbourne, Kent and Benedicta de Hughan, one of the daughters and coheirs of Robert de Hughan of Wavering. She had previously been married to John de Sandwich. John Uvedale, son and heir of Sir Thomas Uvedale, would likely have been a son of either Margaret Rees or Benedicta and would have been born in and around this time period. He is mentioned in his father’s will in 1367 and is recorded as an Esquire in the Expedition to France[xxiv] in the retinue of the John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster in 1369. He also brought three archers with him. Charles, king of France had planned to invade England that year but this English army, which put Harfleur under siege and made its way back to Calais, discouraged Charles from such an undertaking.
In 1348 the black plaque hit England. Within two years almost forty percent of the population in England perished. I do not know the degree that the plaque affected Thomas and his family.
In 1348 Thomas de Uvedale, along with Andrew Peverill, Stephen Maleville, and Roger de Stanyngdene held two knight’s fees in Tychesey and Camerwell of Hugh de Audley.
On 2 March 1348 Thomas Uvedale, along with others, is given a written mandate[xxv] to take and arrest ships for the passage of Joan, the favourite daughter of the King, into Gascony, and to bring the ships to “Plimith”. Joan was betrothed to Peter of Castile and was to be on her way to marry him. Apparently, the king had been attempting to collect provisions in Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall for the passage, and certain “rebels” had been resisting his attempts. Thomas Uvedale and Badby were to imprison the rebels in the nearest jail. They were also to obtain information by inquisitions and to certify to the chancery without delay the names of those arrested. Joan did embark for Gascony from Portsmouth, but unfortunately died of the plaque in Gascony on 1 July 1348.
In an article[xxvi] on the Lords Cobham of Sterborough Sir Thomas Uvedale is identified as one of the Godparents of Reynold de Cobham, second Lord Cobham, along with Queen Philippa and Sir Walter Mauny. The baptism took place in 1348 at the church of Edenbridge in Kent, some 7 kilometers from Thomas’s home at Titsey, Surrey. This information was confirmed when Reynold Cobham proved[xxvii] his age in 1370 at Lyngefeld on the 26 January 44 Edward III.
Hugh de Uvedale, son Sir John de Uvedale, is described[xxviii] as a “humble professor of the Carmelite” order on March 17, 1351. At that time he donated “£100 towards the cost of a new dormitory, a set of vestments worth £22 pounds, a censer, two phials and a basin of silver worth £7, a stone gate worth 10 marks and had begun and completed, at his own cost, the south aisle of the church” in Norwich.
There is a record in 1356 of another potential offspring of the family. On 2 February 1356 Henry Douvedale and his wife Matilda leased[xxix] land and houses situated close to the Newgate Jail in London and the tenement of William de Langeford, Knight in the parish of Saint Sepulcher that formerly had belonged to Robert son of John le Coteller de Holborne. Master Richard Ferour, Henry Godchepe, John de Enfield, Stephen Scut, John Chaundeler and others witnessed these transactions.
Sir Thomas Uvedale and Benedict had a daughter Alice, born in 1351, who married Sir Ralph Shelton of Great Snoring.
Alice de Uvedale[xxx]
Meanwhile, the French were continuing to disrupt the governance of the English held lands on the mainland. In August of 1356 Edward, Prince of Wales, the “Black Prince”, headed north from Aquitaine with his forces. They did much damage on their way and this led to the Battle of Poitiers in Normandy in mid-September of 1356. Again, similar to Crecy the English forces defeated a much larger force with the aid of the archers. Many of the French nobility including King John of France and several of his sons were captured during the battle. Subsequent negotiations led to the signing of the Treaty of London in the spring of 1358. Sir Thomas de Uvedale, described as a lieutenant of the Duke of Lancaster, is ordered by the King to publish the truce with France in Brittany[xxxi]. Thomas likely held some positions[xxxii] in Normandy or Brittany, and he may have been required to give those up as a result of the treaty.
The English were not having much success in the French implementing the treaty of London and in 1359 King Edward III took a force to France to push matters along. Henry of Grosmont, the Duke of Lancaster accompanied King Edward III and likely Sir Thomas Uvedale was with him. The English forces attacked Rheims and Paris, resulting in negotiations leading to the Treaty of Bretigny in May of 1360 and subsequently the Treaty of Calais in October 1360. Through these treaties King Edward received in full sovereignty some of the hereditary lands his ancestors had held and such things as a 3 million crowns ransom for the release of King John of France. King John of France was allowed to return to France to raise money for his ransom and he provided hostages, including his son Louis who was held at Calais.
As a result of the treaty there were many territories that the French had to hand over to the English. Sir Thomas Uvedale was employed in diplomacy working to implement the treaty. He was sent as an envoy[xxxiii] to the king of France in Paris from July through August in 1361. There is also a record dated 3 July 1361 of Thomas being sent to France as a messenger from the King of England concerning the affairs of the Earl of Montfort and he being paid 60l to do so. In November 1361 through March of 1362 he, along with Thomas de Donclent, returned[xxxiv] to France to request that the King of France fulfill the Treaty of Bretigny-Calais, including the delivery of lands and castles. They were given a letter of credence sealed with the great seal and a memorandum outlining 10 articles to discuss with the king. While Thomas Uvedale was working towards the implementation of the treaty he was dependent[xxxv] on Sir John Chandos ‘on the ground’. It was Sir John Chandos who was receiving the homage of those transferring allegiance to the English. On the 20th of November 1361 Thomas was also asked[xxxvi] to receive a payment for the ransom of the Philip Duke de Burgoyne, son of the King of France who had also been captured at Poitiers.
The Black Death again struck England in 1361.
In the summer of 1363 Prince Louis, who was being held hostage in Calais, escaped. His father King John of France thought this was contrary to the code of chivalry, and therefore he planned to return to captivity in England. In the summer of 1363 Sir Thomas Uvedale[xxxvii] was asked to proceed to Calais to deal with the custody of the King of France. King John of France was brought to England and stayed at the Savoy where he died the next year.
In 1361 and 1367 Sir Thomas Uvedale was knight of the shire[xxxviii] for Surrey, starting a long line of members of the family who served in such a role in various counties.
In 1363 John de Hwyteclve, vicar of Maghfield Sussex, Robert Bonere, parson of Wallingham, and Richard Trewe, of Chelsham, conveyed to Sir Thomas de Uvedale[xxxix] the manor of Nether Court in Waldingham. That same year Ralph, Earl of Stafford granted Sir Thomas de Uvedale Kt., a lease for ten years of the manor of Waldingham. The lease came with all the rents and services both of the free tenants and villeins, with their appurtenances, reserving to himself and his heirs the advowson of the church there, with all wardships, marriages, escheats, knight’s fees, etc. at a rent of 106 shillings and 6 pence. Thomas was to deliver up the buildings at the end of the term in as good condition as he found them, together with two plough horses of the value of 20 shillings each, two oxen of the value of 13 shillings each, two quarters five bushels of the value of 6 shillings 8 d a quarter, two quarters of mixed corn of the value of 5 shillings a quarter, and 10 quarters of oats of the value of 3 shillings a quarter.
Count Louis of Flanders decided his daughter Margaret should marry Edmund, Earl of Cambridge. In 1364 Sir Thomas Uvedale was an emissary[xl], along with Henry Lescrop the Governor of Calais, to the Count of Flanders to arrange the marriage between Margaret of Flanders, the widow of the Duke de Bourgogne, and Edmund, earl of Cambridge and son of King Edward III. However, King Charles of France was concerned that if they married Flanders would fall under the control of England, therefore he lobbied to not allow the marriage to proceed. The marriage required the consent of the pope, which was refused in January 1365 on the grounds of the degree of their families relationships.
On the first of May 1364 letters patent[xli] were issued at Westminster Palace by the executors[xlii] of Henry of Grosmont, Duke of Lancaster, confirming that the Duke was bound to Sir Thomas Uvedale (Ovedale) “in great sums for services rendered and money lent, some of which were not satisfied by him”. They released to Sir Thomas all rights, which the Duke and they had in a bond of 20,000 crowns of Johan made to the duke by various persons[xliii]. This would have been a fortune at that time and whether Sir Thomas collected it I do not know.
Pierre de Tournebu brought a case[xliv] against the Thomas Uvedale who was collecting appatis on behalf of Henry Grosmont, Duke of Lancaster and Chandos. Appatis was an agreement were the local citizens, most likely in this instance in Calvados Normandy, not to be robbed or mistreated as long as they paid the agreed ransoms. Pierre argued that the right to collect this money could not be inherited. The court did not agree with Pierre.
In 1365, John de Rydinghersh, son and heir of John de Rydinghersh, released[xlv] to Sir Thomas Uvedale, Knight, and his heirs, all his rights in lands in Chelsham and Tycheseye which Thomas then held for life.
Sir Thomas was back in Paris in October 1366 to January 1367 in secret negotiations[xlvi] with the French.
In 1367 Stephen Bradpull, Roger de Stanyngden and Alan Lambard conveyed[xlvii] the manor and advowson of Tatsfield to Sir Thomas Uvedale. The family held Tatsfield until 1638.
Sir Thomas Uvedale was in the process of adding a chapel to the church, located just to the east of the manor at Titsey, for his burial place and that of his descendants when he died in 1367. In the north window of the chapel[xlviii] “was a knight on foot armed; on his left arm a shield argent a cross moline gules, with the same on his breastplate, and in his right hand a spear with a banner of the same arms.” Unfortunately this chapel, along with the church, was pulled down to extend the manor some four hundred years later. However, you can still see several gravestones under the Yew tree located just to the east of the manor house at Titsey approximately where the church and chapel were located.

Grave Stones beside the Yew tree at Titsey Manor
In his will, which required probate in France as well as in England, Sir Thomas Uvedale left instructions that his best warhorse “Dextararius” should be sold to pay his debts. He left “armour of the best kind” and his two best horses, after his charger to his son John. His servants were to be rewarded “according to their station”. He also specified that his parish church should be completed, likely the addition of the chapel mentioned previously and that money be disbursed to the places where his parents and wives were buried. He also left money for different Friars and religious persons and to Brother Richard Twitham and a special offering of his “month’s day and his “year’s day” be observed on the day of his burial. He asked that a service be ordained in the church at Tycheseye for the soul of John de Pole. Finally, be bequeathed a silver and gilt tablet of the Salutation of the Blessed Mary, with a painted image to the chapel of the Blessed Mary of Walsingham; ten marks to the fabric of the choir of the church of Walsingham and to 40 shillings to each of the four orders of Friars or Nuns mentioned Carmelite or Augustinian to pray for his soul. A memorandum was attached to the will asserting that Thomas’s seal should remain to the use of his son John without fraud and they paid 6 shillings 8d. to Walter de Waketon, the Chancellor for that privilege.
Thomas had another daughter named Alice. In 1365 Sir Thomas Uvedale bought the marriage of John Freningham, son of Ralph Freningham, for 200 marks. The Framingham’s lived close to Dartford and held property West Barming, Loose and other places close to Maidstone. Two years later in on 20 January 1367 John provided proof that he was of age and received his properties held by others during his minority. Sir Thomas proceeded to marry John to his daughter Alice. John Freningham went on to be High Sheriff of Kent in 1378/79 and 1393/94 and Member of Parliament for Kent in 1377, 1381 and 1399.
Upon the death of Sir Thomas de Uvedale on 11 November 1367[xlix] his son John, born circa 1344, assumed the leadership of the family. Thomas’s widow Benedicta proved the will but the other executors refused. It seems that Thomas had settled Tychesey on her for life, and had conveyed other estates to her in fee. The estate was settled in 1369 when Benedicta came to a compromise with John Uvedale, son and heir of Sir Thomas. She released to John all the lands in Chelsham, Waldingham, Blechingly, Merstham, Chalveden, Southwark and elsewhere upon condition of retaining Tychesey unmolested. In the same year Benedicta had grant of the custody of the manors of Blakemanston and Oxpole, upon the death of Sir Henry de Haute to hold in the minority of her son Nicholas. Benedicta went on to marry, according to tradition, John Fitzwilliam, who is said to have been Sir Thomas Uvedale’s steward.
In 1370 in the records[l] of Thomas de Brantingham, Bishop of Exeter and Lord High Treasurer are the following:
“To the Executors of the Will of Sir Thomas Uvedale, Knight, for an allowance made to them for a certain loan, in discharge of 101l 5s 7_d, due to them on their account made at the Exchequer, in accounting for the receipt of their wages and expenses, for the custody of two certain French hostages, sent for certain reasons from the City of London to the town of Calais, in the 37th year, by writ of Privy Seal, amongst the mandates of Michaelmas Term in the 38th year ………..…26 5 6_d and,
To the same Executors, in discharge of 7l 1s 1 _d due to the aforesaid Thomas for those 100 marks yearly, which the Lord the King, by his letters patent, lately granted to the same Thomas, to be received at the Exchequer during his life – to wit, from the feast of Michaelmas in the 42nd year, unto the feast of St. Martin next following, on which day he died…………..7 1 _”
Sir Thomas’s son John went on to be Sheriff of Surrey and Hampshire on various occasions. He also had a great-grandson named Thomas who fought at Agincourt, was a Sheriff of Hampshire and who continued the Lancastrian support. This Thomas also fought at Towton and after the battle of Tewkesbury he is reported[li] to have participated at the age of 76 as the Chamberlain for Margaret of Anjou, sometimes Queen of England.
Article is copyright held by Gordon W. Udell
[i] Granville Leveson Gower, Notices of the Uvedale family of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire, published 1865.
[ii] Sir Mathew Hale, The Norman People and Their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States of America; January 1874. Published by Henry S. King & Company, page 427.
[iii] Red Book of the Exchequer, 12 Henry II (1166) page 351.
[iv] Ingamells, Ruth Louise (1992), The Household knights of Edward I, Durham theses, Durham University Available at Durham E-Theses Online:
[v] WM. A. Shaw Litt. D., Editor of the Calendar of Treasury Papers at H.M. Record Office: The Knights of England, Volume 1, Page 111.
[vi] Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1303, membrane 27, 13 April at Averham.
[vii] George Edward Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Sutton Publishing Ltd. Page XII/2:198.
[viii] Frank B. Lewis, Extracted and Edited, Fines Relating to the County of Surrey, Levied in the King’s Court. Printed for the Surrey Archaeological Society, 1894. Page 68 numbers 109 and 110; 32 Edward I.
[ix] James Bothwell, Edward III and the ‘New Nobility’; Largesse and Limitation in Fourteenth Century England; The English Historical Review Volume 112, No. 449 (November 1997) pages 111 to 1140.
[x] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta ancestry: A study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 2nd edition, page 84.
[xi] Rotuli Scotiae – Part II: page 379, item 1910. Letters of Attorney issued on the 14th of July 1336.
[xii] P.R.O., CP 25(1)/28/73, no. 16; cf. Cal. Close, 1339– 41, 443.
[xiii] Last Will and Testament of Sir Thomas de Uvedale Militis; 1367.
[xiv] J. Baigent, Manual of Heraldic Illum. Page 34.
[xv] History of Norfolk, volume II, page 502.
[xvi] Rot. Orig. 15 Edward III No. 7.
[xvii] Calendar of Patent Rolls, membrane 11; 28 April 1342, Westminster.
[xviii] Francis Blomefield, History of Norfolk, volume II, page 501.
[xix] British Library, Ms. Harley 3838, folios. 31-31v.
[xx] 19 Edward III membrane 5d 28 September 1345 at Woolmer.
[xxi] Collections for a history of Staffordshire, Item 152 Crecy and Calais.
[xxii] Nigel Bryant translation; The True Chronicles of Jean le Bel- 1290 – 1360, page 164 published by The Boydell Press in 2011.
[xxiii] Collections for a history of Staffordshire, Item 152 Crecy and Calais.
[xxiv] J.W. Sherborne, Indentured Retinues and English Expedition to France, 1369-1380, The English Historical Review, volume LXXIX, No. 313, page 722.
[xxv] Thomas Rymer, Rymer’s Feodora, volume III, Part I 31, Pt. II 49, 69. (Gascon Roll C61/59 Membrane 1d.)
[xxvi] CP Volume 3 pages 353 to 355.
[xxvii] C. Edward III. File 211. (15).
[xxviii] P.R.O., Ms. E 135/2/50, folio 26; in A. Little, op. cit., 9
[xxix] Calendar of Letter Books of the City of London G: 1352 1374 (1905); page 35-51.
[xxx] Augustus A. Burt and J.R. Jobbins, Wife of Sir Ralph Shelton, knight from a gravestone at Snoring Church, Norfolk. Notices of the Family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham Hants; Granville Leveson Gower, 1865.
[xxxi] Syllabus of Rymer’s Foedora; Volume 1; 1066-1372, page 394.
[xxxii] W. Mark Ormrod, Edward III; page 412.
[xxxiii] Leon Mirot and Eugene Deprez, Les ambassades anglaises pendant la guerre de cent ans. Cataloque Bibliotheque de l’ecole des chartes; 1809, tome 59. Pages 550-577. (Bundle 314, no. 15).
[xxxiv] Leon Mirot and Eugene Deprez, Les ambassades anglaises pendant la guerre de cent ans. Cataloque Bibliotheque de l’ecole des chartes; 1809, tome 59. Pages 550-577. (Bundle 314, no. 19).
[xxxv] Stephen Cooper, Sir John Chandos; The Perfect Knight. Page 67.
[xxxvi] Thomas Rymer, Rymer, Foedora King Edward III; ii, 631.
[xxxvii] Leon Mirot and Eugene Deprez, Les ambassades anglaises pendant la guerre de cent ans. Cataloque Bibliotheque de l’ecole des chartes; 1809, tome 59. Pages 550-577. (Bundle 314, no. 27).
[xxxviii] Granville Leveson Gower, Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hants; 1865, page 16.
[xxxix] Granville Leveson Gower, All transactions in this paragraph from the Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hants; 1865, page 17.
[xl] Granville Leveson Gower, Notices of the Uvedale family of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hants, 1865, page 18.
[xli] 38 Edward III; Letters Patent membrane 20, 1 May Westminster Palace.
[xlii] Robert de la Mare, knight, John de Charneles, canon of York, and John Nueofmarchee, esquire. The Duke died 23 March 1361 and his will was dated at London on 10 November 1362
[xliii] Philip Dalenchon, archbishop of Rouen, Charles, cont of Alencon and Perche, Gervase, bishop of Sees, Michael, abbot of St. Martin, Sees, John, abbot of Lonllay, Gauwyn, lord of Ferrier’, Peter, lord of Taurnebu, William du Merle, John du Merle, John, lord of La Ferrier’, William des Pres, lord of St. Brice, Willim de Caouresier.
[xliv] Arch. Nat. X1a 21 Folio 73.
[xlv] Granville Leveson Gower, Notices of the Uvedale family of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hants, 1865, page 17.
[xlvi] Leon Mirot and Eugene Deprez, Les ambassades anglaises pendant la guerre de cent ans. Cataloque Bibliotheque de l’ecole des chartes; 1809, tome 59. Pages 550-577. (Bundle 315, no. 13).
[xlvii] Granville Leveson Gower, Notices of the Uvedale family of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hants, 1865, page 17.
[xlviii] Owen Manning; History of Surrey, volume 2, page 401.
[xlix] Frederick Devon of the Charter House, Record Office, Westminster, translation; Issue Roll of Thomas de Brantingham, Bishop of Exeter and Lord High Treasurer; published by John Rodwell, 46 New Bond Street. 1835; page 326.
[l] Frederick Devon of the Charter House, Record Office, Westminster, translation; Issue Roll of Thomas de Brantingham, Bishop of Exeter and Lord High Treasurer; published by John Rodwell, 46 New Bond Street. 1835; page 326.
[li] T.F. Kirby; Annals of Winchester College; published 1892.