1. “Pedigree Di Banco Trinity - 9 Henry V, membrane 318.”
2. “De Bsanco Trinity - 9 Henry V m318.”
3. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq., MP., The Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865, page 6 Footnote 1.
4. George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage, XII/2, 196-7.
5. “Feet of Fines, Norfolk; 282/6. No. 26.”
6. “Book of Fees 27 Henry III.”
7. “Curia REgis Rolls No. 132/133 28 Henry III.”
8. “Feet of Fines No. 949; 33 Henry III.”
9. “Feet of Fines No. 157/77 No. 1081.”
10. “Mimcell Inquisition p. 347, Edward I 1276 and Coram Rage Roll No. 49 32d and 59 13 9 of the same date.”
11. “Assize Roll No. 1244 m20d.”
12. “Assize Roll No. 1244 8 and 9 Edward Imm 16 and 30.”
13. “Rot. Lit. Pat.,page 134; Curia Regis Rolls, Volume ix, pp. 70, 343 Volume x, p. 53.”
14. Bloomfield, History of Norfolk, 5, page 164.
15. “Red Book of the Exchequer, p. 351; temp. 12 Henry II 1166.”
16. “Curia Regis Roll No. 25 - 3 John 1201.”
17. Coram Rage Roll 59 8d.28
18. Assize Roll No 1244 20d
19. Coram Rage Roll 59 8d.28
20. “19 Henry III; 1234; Feet of Fines No. 605.”
21. Duke of Norfolk’s Deeds in Historical MSS, Report VII, 232.
22. History of the Exchequer, , page 533, Note F, referring to Mag. Rot. 5 John Rot 1b.
23. “Assize Roll No. 1244 m20d.”
John, osn of Reginbald
24. “Feet of Fine Henry III 1234 No. 623.”
25. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq., MP., Notices of the Uvedale family of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Prinhters, 1865, Page 6 Footnote.
26. “De Banco 312, 12 Edward III; 1338; m149.”
27. “Assize Roll No. 1244 m30 - 9 Edward I; 1281.”
28. Duke of Norfolk’s Historical Deeds, Volume VII, 323.
29. E.A. Fox, Notes & Queries for Somerset & Dorset, Rev. G.W. Saunders, M.A.; Rev. R.G. Bartelot, M.A. FSA, J.C. and A.T. Sawtell, Vol XIX September 1927 Part CLIV, 54-62.
30. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq., MP., Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865, Page 16.
31. “Calendar of Fine Rolls 1322, membrane 3.”
32. “Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1322, membrane 11.”
33. “Inquisition Post Morteum 15 Edward II, Rot. 12, teated at Potefrqact on 22nd of March 1322.”
34. “Inquisition Post Morteum 25 Edfward I, No. 31.”
35. Ingamells, Ruth Louise, The Household knights of Edward I, Durham Thesis, Durham University Available at Durham E-Thesis Online: http//
36. Wm. A. Shaw Litt. D., Editor of the Calendar of Treasury Papers at HM Record Office: The Knights of England. , 1, 111.
37. “Calendar of Patent Rolls 25 Edward I - Part II; Membrane B issued at Winchelsea on 21 August 1297.”
38. George Edward Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britian and the United Kingdon., Sutton Publishing Ltd, XII, page 2:198.
39. “Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1303, membrane 27, 13 April Averham.”
40. Henry Gough, Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Scotland in 1298. Documents relating to the Campaign of King Edward I in that year, and especially to the Battle of Falkirk., Alexander Gardner Paisley, and 12 Paternoster, 29 and 163.
41. Rotuli Scotiae - Part 2, 1300.
42. Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1301, Page 326 Item 1331.
43. Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1301, Page 327 item 1341.
44. Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1301, Page 411 item 2286.
45. Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1301, Page 331 Item 1386.
46. Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1301, Page 416, Item 2334.
47. Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1303, Page 424, item 2438.
48. Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1303, Page 341, Item 1489.
49. Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1303, Page 428, item 2467.
50. Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1303, Page 341, item 1490.
51. Rotuli Scotiae 0 Part II: 1303, Page 429, item 2484.
52. “Scutage Rolls, 1304.”
53. Rotuli Scotiae - 1304., Page 347 item 1550.
54. “Calendar of Close Rolls, 1304, membrane 1. .”
55. William Arthur Shaw, Knights of England: A complete record from the Earliest Times to the Present., page 111.
56. Frank B. Lewis, Extracted and Edited, Fines Relating to the County of Surrey, Levied in the King’s Court., Printed for the Surrey Archaeological Society in 1894., Page 68, numbers 109 and 110; 32 Edward I.
57. “Calendar of Patent Rolls, membrane 19; 32 Edward I, 1304 May; Sterling.”
58. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq. MP., Notices of the Family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., C/ox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865.
59. “Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales.”
60. “Calendar of Patent Rolls, membrane 4; 28 June Caldcoats, 35 Edward I.”
61. “Rotuli Scotiea - Part II: 1306 page 349, item 1573.”
62. “Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1306, page 353, item 1596.”
63. “Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1307, page 355, item 1623.”
64. “Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: page 444, item 2661.”
65. Granville Leveson Gower , Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire, ; 1865, Page 10.
66. “Calendar of Patent Rolls, membrane 20; 12 March 1311, Berwick-on-Tweed.”
67. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq. MP., Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865., Page 10.
68. “Writs tested at Clipston on 5 March 1316.”
69. “Patent 13 Edward II; Number 40.”
70. “Close Rolls, Edward II, 4 January 1322, Worchester.”
71. Rotuli Scotiae - Part 2, 1300., page 322 item 1285.
72. “Inquisition Post Morteum; 24 Edward I, Peter is listed as 3 years old at the time.”
73. Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families; Second Edition., Page 84.
74. James Bothwell, Edward III and the New Nobility: Largesse and Limitation in 14th Century England, The English Historical Review Volume 112, No. 449 (November 1997) , Pages 111 to 114.
75. J.M.W. Bean, From Lord to Patron; Lordship in the late Medieval England, Published 1928, Page 51.
76. “Records of the Duchy of Lancaster.”
77. Juliet Barker, The Tournament in England; 1000-1400, Page 27.
78. “British Museum, Add. MC 7967, folio 17d.”
79. “Calendar of Patent Rolls; membrane 24; September 20, 1324; Porchester.”
80. “Calendar of Patent Rolls, membrane 20; October 1325, Cippenham.”
81. “Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1327, page 489, item 3277.”
82. “Calendar of Patent Rolls, membrane 13d; October 24, 1327; Nottingham. I Edward III.”
83. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq. MP., Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865., Pages 13 and 14.
84. “Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: 1335, page3 500, item 3447.”
85. Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, Kimball G. Everingham, Genealogical Publishiung Co. Ltd., 77.
86. “Calendar of Inquisitions Post Morteum, volume 4, number 28.”
87. “Rotuli Scotiae - Part II: page 379, item 1910. Letters of Attorney were issued on the 14th of July 1336.”
88. “19 Edward III Membrane 5d; 28 September 1345 at Woolmer.”
89. Collections for a History of Staffordshire, Item 152, Crecy and Calais.
90. Thomas Rymer, Rymer’s Feodora, Volume III; Part I 31, Part II 49, 69 (Gascon Roll C61/59 Membrane 1d).
91. “CP Volume 3 pages 353 to 355.”
92. Leon Mirot and Eugene Deprez, Les ambasssades anglaises pendant la querre de cent ans., Cataloque Bibliotheque de l’ecole des Chartes; 1809, Tome 59, Page 550-577 (Bundle 314, no 15).
93. Leon Mirot and Eugene Depriz, Les ambassades anglaises pendant la querre de cent ans., Bundle 314, no. 19.
94. Thomas Rymer, Rymer’s Feodora king Edward III, ii, 631.
95. Leon Mirot and Eugene Deprez, Les ambassades anglaises pendant la querre de cent ans., Cataloque Bibliotheque de l’ecole des Chartes; 1809, Tome 59, Page 550-577 (Bundle 314, no. 27).
96. Granville Leveson Gower Esq. MP., Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865., page 16.
97. Granville Leveson Gower Esq. MP., Notices of the Uvedale family of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865, page 18.
98. “38 Edward III: Letters Patent membrane 20, 1 May Westminster Palace.”
99. “Arch Nat. X1A 21 Folio 73.”
100. Leon Mirot and Eugene Deprez, Les ambassades anglaises pendant la querre de cent ans., Cataloque Bibliotheque de l’ecole des chartes; 1809, tome 59, page 550-577. (Bundle 312, no. 13).
101. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq. M.P., Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., page 19.
102. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq., MP., Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titesy, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire, Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers, page 24.
103. J.W. Sherborne, Indentured Retinues and English Expedition to France, 1369-1380, The English Historical Review Volume LXXIXl No. 313, Page 722.
104. Granville Leveson Gower Esq. MP., Notices of the Uvedale family of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865., page 24.
105. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq., M.P., N/otices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire, page 24.
106. Benolt, Thomas; Cooke Robert, Philipot, John; Mundy Richard, Rylands, W. Harry., Pedigrees from the Visitation of Hampshire, Page 47.
107. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq. MP., Notices of the Uvedale family of Tisey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865., pages 28 and 29.
108. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq. MP., Notices of the Uvedale family of Tisey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865., Page 29.
109. “Will dated 24th of October 1449, proved at Lambeth 4th November 1449.”
110. Granville Leveson Gower, Esq., MP., Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., 26.
111. “Close Rolls, Henry VI, July 1439, 13 July Westminster.”
112. Major G. Waterhouse, Collection of the parish of Bromwich of abstracts of Charters Nombers 40277 to 40302, Volume III V.C.H. under Bromwich, page 225.
113. E.A. Fry, The Uvedale Family of Dorset, J.C. and A.T. Sawtell, Notes & Queries for Somerset & Dorset Volume XIX September 1927 Part CLIV, page 61.
114. “Hampshire County Council documents.”
115. E.A. Fry, “The Uvedale Family of Dorset,” Notes & Queries for Somerset & Dorset, Volume XIX Part CLIV, Page 61, September 1927.
116. E.A. Fry; , “The Uvedale family of Dorset,” Notes & Queries for Somerset & Dorset; page 61, Volume XIX /part CLIV, September 1927.
117. T.F. Kirby, M.A. F.S.A, Annals of Winchester College, Henry Frowde and P. and G. Wells in 1892, page 111.
118. “Charter dated 6th of February 1553/4, from William Wayneflete, Bishop of Winchester to Wiliam Uvedale, Esq.”
119. “Record of the sale of manor of Waldingham from Arthur to Thomas Leigh and Elizabeth his wife says Elizabeth was the former wife of Robert Uvedale. .”
120. Register of Wichester College, anthony was admitted in 1471, likely at the age of 6.
121. Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd edition, Volume III, page 265.
122. Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry; 2nd edition, Volume III, page 317.
123. Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Volume 4, page 252.
124. “Inquisition taken at Stevenage on the 28th of October 1474 upon the death of Sir Thomas Uvedale, Kt.”
125. John Gough Nichols, The Topographer & Genealogist, Volume III, page 191.
126. John Gough Nichols, F.S.A.; , The Topographer and Genealogist , Volume III, 1858, , page 181.
127. Thomas Benolt, Pedigrees from the Visitation of Hampshire in 1530, 47.
128. Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, Kimball G. Everingham, Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., Page 626.
129. Sir Harris Nicolas, K.H., History of the Battle of Agincourt, and the expedtion of Henry the Fifth into France in 1415; Third Edition, Johnson & Co. 10, Brooke Street, Holborn, 1833, Appendix XV, page 61.
130. University of Southampton,, The soldier in Later Medieval England, DFR, 58, C76/99 m. 3; 8 February 1416 Safe conduct from England to France.
131. “The Medieval Soldier in Later Medieval England. Database from University of Reading/University of Southampton. Muster Roll TNA E101/51/2 m27.”
132. T.F. Kirby, M.A. F.S.A., Bursar of Winchester College, Annals of Winchester College from its foundation in the year 1392 to the present time., Henry Frowde, P. & G. Wells, page 214.
133. T.F. Kirby, M.A. F.S.A, Annals of Winchester College, Henry Frowde and P. and G. Wells; published in 1892, page 112.
134. Mary Louise Gill ; Phd., Gentry Poitics of Southern England, 1461-1485, With Reference to the Crisis of October 1483, University of Tasmania, Hobart, 1992., Page 300.
135. Granville Leveson Gower, Esquire, M.P., Notices of the Family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire, Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; London, 1865; page 31.
136. “Calendar of Fine Rolls, volume 19, page 209.”
137. “Close Rolls, Edward IV; 1462-1463; 6 March Westminster.”
138. “Close Rolls, Henry VII: 1491-1492; 605.”
139. “Close Roll 10 November 1492, 7 Henry VII.”
140. Reported by Granville Leveson Gower as marrying Margaret, daughter of Roger de la Warre in the reign of Henry III.
141. Topographer & Genelaogist - Pedigree of Foxle, John Gough Nichols, John Bowyer Nichols & Sons, London - 1858, Volume III, page 181.
“Alive in 1436”
142. “Inquisition taken at Godstone, Surrey on 3 November 1488 “Ann age of twenty eight years and upwards”.”
143. “Prioresses of Marrick,” Collectanea Topographica & Genealogica; John Bowyer Nichols and Son, London, Volume 5, page 239 to 253., 1838.
144. “William Uvedale, Archaeological, Volume 1, page 352; John Norris, B.L.H.M. Volume 4, page 145.”
145. Granville Levedson Gower, Esq. M.P., Notices of the Family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire, Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers, London; 1865, page 33.
146. “Will of Elizabeth (Norbury) Uvedale, dated 14 October 1487,” Proved at Lambeth 11 July 1487.
147. “He died without issue as Inquisition Post Morteum 17 Henry VII, number 7.”
148. V.C.H under Bromwich, Major G. Waterhouse’s collections for this parish; Charter 20/40291 “Henry Uvedale, son and heir of Thomas Uvedale, son and heir of William Uvedale, son of John Uvedale.”, Volume III, page 225.
149. “Patent Roll, page 315.”
150. “Rawlinson MSS. Bodlean Library B238.”
151. Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry; A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families., Kimball G. Everingham, Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., 35.
152. Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Volume II, page 61.
153. Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd edition, Volume 1, page 391.
154. “Records of Winchester College “Thomas Uvedale admitted in 1500 age 10”.”
155. “Ellastone Staffordshire St. Peter’s parish records.”
156. “Saint Peter’s Church, Ellastone records.”
157. “Fareham Hampshire Parish records.”
158. The Register of Lincoln’s Inn, his admission record. .
159. “Droxford Parish Register.”
160. J.G.L. Burnby and A.E. Robinson, And They Blew Exceedingly Fine, Edmonotn Hundred Historical Society, page 19.
161. “More Chrichel, Dorset marriage register.”
162. Douglas Richardson; Magna Carta Ancestry; page 77.
163. “Church and medical records of Sir Richard Napier.”
164. “Dorothy is recorded on 14 October 1597 as 17-18 in a medical record.”
165. “There is a brass rubing of “Ann Udall, wife of John Udall, with a figure of her husband, five sons and three daughters from Great Linford.”
166. “Petition for Land,” 10 January 1802, Montreal, Lower Canada.
167. “Muster Rolls of the Cameronian Regiment for Tynemouth & Quebec City.”
168. “Ontario Historical Society Papers and Records Volume 8; 1901 ,” Niagara-on-the-Lake; 21 May 1804, Baptisms in Niagara, Rev. Robert Addison.
169. Rev. Victor Gordon Brown & Lettitia Mae Brown, The English Browns of Markham and Uxbridge 1800-1985, 1985, page 43.
170. “Pickering Land Title Records.”
171. “Marriage Register of Rev. William Jenkins.”
172. “Petition for Land 1795 to John Graves Simcoe.”
173. Reverand Victor Gordon Brown and Lettitia Mae Brown 1985, The English Browns of Markham and Uxbridge Townships, 23.
174. Reverend Victor Gordon Brown and Lettitia Mae Brown, The English Browns of Markham and Uxbridge Townships, pages 10 through 18.
175. “1851 and 1861 Census for Pickering, Ontario.”
176. “1870, 1880, 1890 Census for Speaker Township, Sanilac County, Michigan.”
177. “1852 census of Pickering Township, Ontario.”
178. J.H. Wixom; Ruther S. Widdison & Albert B. Hanner, Wixom to Wixson - A Family History, 2022, page 100.
179. Rev. Victor Gordon Brown and Lettitia Mae Brown, The English Browns of Markham and Uxbridge Townships; 1985, revised in 1990, page 43 (daughter of Goerge Spencer and Mary Wixson).
180. “Marriage Register of Rev. William Jenkins.”
181. “1851 Census Canada West; Ontario County, Pickering Township.”
182. “1861 Census; Canada West, Ontario County, Pickering Township.”
183. “1891 Orillia, Simcoe East record.”
184. “1901; family 30: subdistrict 4, Orillia, Orillia, district 113, Ontario.”
185. “Marriage record,” 5th Nov 1874, Stouffville, Ontario, 011057.
186. “Death Record,” 5 Oct 1913, Simcoe County, Orillia, page 283.
187. “1901 Census for Orillia, Ontario,” Orillia, 1901.
Census includes the date, month and year of birth
188. “Marriage Record, Lanark, Ontario,” 4 January 1082, Toronto, 1909-05-012813.
189. Birth Certificate for Gordon Udell
190. “Certificate of Birth,” Mar 18 2011, Stettler, 1918-08-018160, Alberta, Stettler.
191. “Entry to Marriage,” 18 March 1944, Northolt, 188, 742980.
192. “Parish Records for St Peter’s, Ellastone, Staffordshire, England.”
193. “Year: 1901; Census Place; Orillia, Simcoe (east/est), Ontario, Page 3; Family No: 30.”
194. “Death Certificate ,” Tuscola, Dayton County Michigan, No. 8.
195. “Norfolk Reformer.”
196. “Canadian Headstone Index.”
197. “Certificate of Registration of Death 020207 263, dated Sept 12/1934.”
198. “Year: 1910: Census Place: Elba, Dodge, Wisconsin; Roll T624_1706; Page 10B; Enumeration District: 0011; FHL microfilom: 137719.”
199. The American Genealogist, Donald Lines Jacobus, Picton Press, Camden Maine 1989, Volumes 27-29.
200. Richard Anson Wheeler, History of the Town of Stonington Connecticut, from its first settlement with a Genealogical Register of Stonington Families, Lawrence Verry Incorporated, Mystic, Connecticut, page 504.
201. “Death Certtificate Michigan Department of Health 32 3761.”
202. “Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford.”
203. WikiTree, “Wikitree Alice Aspinet.”
204. Josiah Paine, Early Settlers of Eastham, Page 20.
205. “Fareham, Hampshire, England Parish Records.”
206. Richard Mundy, Visitation of Hampshire by Thomas Benolt Clarenceulx of 1520 and by Robert Cooke, Clarenceulx 1575 and John Phillipott, Somerset Herald 1622., W. Harry Rylands, F.S.A., London 1913, Page 47/48.
207. Granville Leveson Gower Esq. M.P., The Notices of the Uvedale family of Titaey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire, Pge 53.
208. Visitation of Staffordshire in the year 1583.
209. Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, Visitation of Staffordshire, 1583, 149.
“Jocosam filiam William Uvedale; oriundus of Hampshire (a native of Hampshire).”
210. J.G.L. Burnby and E.A, Robinson; And they Blew Exceeding Fine; Edmonton Hundred Historical Society; page 19.
211. William John Hardy and William Page, A Calendar to the Feet of Fines for London and Middlesex, Hardy & Page, 21, Old Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, 1893, Volume 2, 105, 115, 118, 124, 149.
212. Richardson, Douglas, Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Familiers, Kimball G. Everingham, The author, Salt Lake City, 2013, 3, 308 - Paulet.
213. Richardson, Douglas, Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, Kimball G. Everingham, Salt Lake City, 2013, 2nd edition, the Author, 4 - Paulet, 325.
214. Cokayne, G.E., Complete Peerage, St. Catherine Press, 1949, XI, 329-330.
215. Richardson, Douglas, Magna Carta Ancestry, VI, 303-04 - Welles.
216. “IPM Hugh de Sancho Johanne, Kt. 1429.”
217. “Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI, Vol 111, AD 1435-1441, HMSO, 1937, page 46.”
218. History of the Exchequer, Page 533, Note F, referring to Mag. Rot. 5 Johis Rot., 1b.
219. Granville Leweson Gower, Esq., MP, Notices of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hants, Cox & Wyman, Classical & General Printers; 1865, Page 16.
220. “Volume III page 225 of the V.C.H. under Bromwich in the parish of Tichfield, Hants, Major G. Waterhouse’s collections Charter 23/40293.”
221. Lincolnshire Architectural and Archaeological Society record of the brass rubbing of John Udall and Ann and their five osns and three daughters.
222. “Parish Records of Worth Matravers, Dorset.”
223. Joseph Foster and Joseph Lemuel Chester, London Marriage Licences 1521 - 1869, Page 671.
224. English Marriages 1538-1973.
225. Granville Leveson Gower Esq. MP., Notices of the Family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey and Wickham, Hampshire., Cox & Wyman, Calssical & General Printers, 52.
226. Visitation of London in the year 1568 by Robert Cooke, Claencuex King of Arms, Joseph Jackson Howard LLD. FSA & George John Armytage FSA, 1869, page 13.
227. Suzanne Foster, Winchester College Archivist, “ “Richard of Wickham admitted in 1430 (and he died in 1431)”,” 6 February 2006.
228. “From Catherine Arabella McLeod to her granddaughter Daphne Lebans,” 1967.
229. Carol Bennett, The Lanark Society Settlers, Juniper Books, 146/147.
230. Carol Bennett, The Lanark Society Settlers, Juniper Books, Page 49/50.
231. Henry Whittemore, Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America, page 345.
232. Mr. E.B. McConnell, The Mallory Family, page 1122.
233. “Michigan, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1822-1940,” 000978669.
234. “Wisconsin, U.S., Marriage Index, 1820-1907,” Volume 5, page 0156.
235. Richardson, Douglas, Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 5 vols,, Kimball G. Everingham; Salt Lake City; 2013, IV, 187-188 - Mowbray.
236. Cokayne, G.E., Complete Peerage, St. Catherine Press, 1959, XII Part II, 442-443.
237. Weis F.L., The Magna Carta Surities 1215, 5th edition page 82-89.
238. Herbert Fowles, “De St. Walery,” The Genealogist; New sEries, Volume XXX; pages 1-17, 1914.
239. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
241. Darrell Wolcott , Bell Mawr and Lyr Llediath in WElsh Pedigrees.
242. “Foundation Charter of Saint-Martin d’Auchy.”
243. The Flandria Generosa.
244. John of Worchester.
245. John of Worcester, Chronicle of John of Worcester.
246. “Note from Freeman Mayo, Town Clerk of Orleans, in 1886, which he claimed to have taken from the old records under his care.”
247. Bede, Bede’s Ecclesiastical History.
248. Cawley, Charles, Kings of Bernicia, Kings of Northumbia, 634-737.
249. Parker, The Winchester cHronicle, MS 173, folio 1-32.
250. Frederick Leigh Colville, M.A., The Worrthies of Warwickshire who lived between 1500 and 1800, Henry T. Cooke and Sons, London: JR. Smith, Soho Square, December 1869.
251. “England Marriages - 1538-1973; FamilySearch database.”
252. “England, Boyd’s Marriages: 1538-1973; Database.”
253. “England: Boyd’s Marriages, 1538-1973; Database.”
254. “The Family of De Urtiaco,” Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, XLIIII, page 35, 1896.
255. Anderson, James, A Genealogical History of The House of Yvery (H Woodhall, , 1742, Volume 1, page 247.
256. The Complete Peerage, VIII, page 214.
257. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Entry for Alan Basset.
258. William John Stewart-Parker, The Bassets of High Wycome. Politics, Lordship, Locality and Culture in the tHirteenth Century, King’s College London Research Portal, page 20.
259. Book of Leinster folio 337.